Forum Discussion

antiMercury's avatar
New Contributor
15 years ago

WADL file update problem

How can I update WADL file in soapUI? I add the WADL file by entering URL, but I don't know how to update the WADL file.Everytime I have to re-import the updated WADL file if it's updated and I can not merge the old scripts to the new API.

Besides, if there's a new methord under specific API being released, after I import the updated API to my porject, I can not add the new methord to original test case as one step.

any ideas?
  • Was this feature added in recent 4.0 Pro release? Or any nightly build has this feature???
    Currently i am using SOAPUI 4.0 Pro version.
  • No replies smartbear?

    I'm looking for this as well. Please give us an update. It has been 2 years since the first post ...
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi everyone,

    Unfortunately this has still not be implemented and is not currently planned for any immediate release. The best workaround would currently probably be to import the WADL to a new project and then clone the TestSuites from the old project to this new one (make sure that the REST services in both projects have the same name).

    Hope that helps a bit!


    SmartBear Software
  • this is really difficult to deal with. you can update a wsdl, but not a wadl.

    I tried the suggestion of importing the wadl and cloning the test suite - but when i do that it asks me to select an endpoint for each and every step in the test suite - and gives me a list slection box that is not sorted. I have a LOT of REST methods - and they are in no order. A tree view would be much eaiser to use in that selector.

    but what i really want is a simple function to reload the wadl.

    I appreciate all of your work on SoapUI, and i love it.
  • Has there been any update with this feature. The updating of the wadl file is something that will happen on our project alot.
    We have the Pro version but I can not seem to find out if this feature (Updating Wadl version) has been developed?

    The work around mentioned is time consuming and takes away the reasons for using automation. Espically when we will be updating the wadl file at regular stages of the development process

  • kdaham's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Any news on this issue?
    Is there any way to view issues planned for next release? As a paying customer one would hope this to be available, current day and age and so on.
  • I'm looking for this feature as well. We have multiple engineers automating test cases and making changes to WADL file. Is there a way to merge multiple WADL files into one?
  • paranoid56's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    any updates to this? anybody find a workaround? Kinda hard to sell this product to my company when basic items like this dont work.