Forum Discussion

AnandD's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Unable to access child nodes in SOAP response using XPATH

Below is my SOAP response. I am try to retrieve the text values of the child nodes ns1:busnsOrgLocAddr. However i am not able to traverse using XPATH beyond soapenv:Body
Any suggestions on what can be done ?

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<read_DnBEnrichedDataByIDResponse xmlns="">
<ns1:busnsOrgLocAddr xmlns:ns1="">
<ns2:busnsOrgNm xmlns:ns2="">
<ns2:busnsOrgNm>Artus Beteiligungsverwaltungsges. mbH</ns2:busnsOrgNm>
<ns3:busnsOrgNm xsi:nil="true" xmlns:ns3=""/>
<ns4:ceoNm xmlns:ns4="">Friedrich Ganz</ns4:ceoNm>
<ns5:sic xmlns:ns5="">
<ns5:stdIndusClassDsc>Holding companies, nec, nsk</ns5:stdIndusClassDsc>
<ns6:sic xmlns:ns6="">
<ns6:stdIndusClassDsc>Insurance agents, brokers, and service</ns6:stdIndusClassDsc>
<ns7:orgStrtYr xmlns:ns7="">2009</ns7:orgStrtYr>
<ns8:slsVolUsd xmlns:ns8="">0</ns8:slsVolUsd>
<ns9:totEmpCnt xmlns:ns9="">4</ns9:totEmpCnt>

In Property Transfer Step, the below works

declare namespace ns1='';
declare namespace soapenv='';

However further traversal does not work (result is null), such as

declare namespace ns1='';
declare namespace soapenv='';

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