Forum Discussion

A_18's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Unable to access JIRA and Zephyr Scale

Hi ,


We have a test plan created in Zephyr Scale ( which has a lot of Zephyr scale test cycles linked in it) and when I generate the Test execution Results Report from it ( which generates 671 line items)  and export the data to excel, I am able to do it. However my colleague is unable to do the exporting for the Test execution Results Report from this particular test plan( She is able to generate the report but the export does not work for her). She is able to export from other test plans in the same JIRA project. Another one of our colleagues is also able to export from the same test plan.  The issue seems to be happening only for one of the colleagues.  


Could you please advise what this issue could be ?


When she exports this particular test plan , it gives the loading symbol and then nothing happens (we have checked there are no pop up blockers either)





  • Hi , I dont see an option to close/ remove questions. How can I do that ? 

3 Replies

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    It looks like you've posted the same question twice.  I've replied to the other one.  Could you remove/close this one?  Thanks

  • A_18's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Hi , I dont see an option to close/ remove questions. How can I do that ? 

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Thank you for trying.  I thought there might be an option to remove but maybe not.  I've marked your post as a Solution and that effectively closes the conversation 🙂