Forum Discussion

iangfox1965's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

TestRunner and http proxy settings


I would like to appeal to the forum for assistance with an issue I am experiencing with TestRunner. I am using SoapUI 3.5.1 and I use a http proxy server to direct all http requests to for executing all my test cases.

The soapui-settings.xml contains the proxy server and host settings and when I click play to execute test cases in a test suite they all execute and complete perfectly fine.

The problem, however, is when I attempt to run through all the test cases using TestRunner. When I launch TestRunner I find that I get a timeout Connection timed out: connect

because, I can see from Wireshark data capture, that no request is being made to my proxy server, instead the http requests are going directly to the endpoint.

I have tried the following things to resolve this:

1. In the "Custom Args" tab of the "Launch TestRunner" window I have entered in the "Tool Args" field the option to point to my soapui-settings.xml file, eg -t "c:\my\path\to\my\soapui-setting.xml". I had high hopes this would resolve the issue but no, it did not.

2. I entered the following lines in "System Properties" field under "Properties" tab:

which would result in -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 being passed in to the testrunner.bat. Alas, this did not resolve the problem either.

I am running out of ideas with this and hence my post here. I'd be extremely greatful to hear from other community forum users and from Ole and co. on how I can get TestRunner to use whatever proxy server settings I set.

My regards

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