Forum Discussion

Musaffir's avatar
8 years ago

Test Steps in the test case is not updated with correct resurce/method



I am using soapUI open source version for my rest api testing 

I have been experiencing this issue for a while now and couldn't figure out whats wrong .


I have the below structue in my soapUI

(1) Project > Service

(2) Project > Test suite  > Test cases > Test steps 


The test suites are generated automatically from the soapUI based on the services already developed and there is one corresponding test case for each of the resource in the service . 

Each test cases have test steps basically REST Requests.


What I have experienced is , for some of these Rest Requests steps in the test case , the 'Resource/Method' is not matching with the one in the Service section (1) from where the test suite is generated.

as a result of this if there are any parameters like the query string or anything , they are also not captured in to the test step.



From the test step, I can always edit this and choose the correct 'Resource/Method' from the dropdown as shown in the attached pic and I can save it.

But when I re-start the soapUI, this is getting undone and going back to the earlier situation.


Not sure whats wrong, is it in the way I generate the suite or is it not getting saved properly.

There are multiple resources in the service with same end point, but has additional query parameters and some not .


for exampe 

 a) app/services/product

b) app/services/product?orderBy=name


so i wanted to have 2 different test steps for the above cases

but it is always getting saved as the first option and that what I see in the 'Resource/Method' dropdown which i am not able to save too..


Please let me know if any one expereinced this 



Thanks & Warm Regards








  • Hi,


    I have figured it why i experienced it . First of all it was my bad :)  Noting it here it it can be helpful to some one


    First of all if you see below example

    a) app/services/product

    b) app/services/product?orderBy=name



    they are basically same resource.... the second one has an additional query parameter

    If you develop 2 different resources for these , and try to generate test cases from it .... soapUI will always consider the first resource only.... so in your second test case... the query parameter 'orderBy' will not be there....


    instead always create only one resource with the parameter added...

    using the same resource , you can generate two different test cases... in one you can pass the query parameter and do not pass parameter value in another test case which we will be same as (a) case ..


    so you won't get confused that the test step in the test case is not updated with correct resource / parameters




2 Replies

  • Or in a more simplified words ,

    Not sure why generated test case is not looking exactly same as the resource from which the test case got generated in terms of the parameters that are present .


    This may create problems especially for people like me using maven plugin to run the suite . and the test case present in the project file might not be with the correct paramters added , so the test also not happening agaist the correct end point and you will end up missing to notice this and then beleiving your test done the right thing  ...



    nmraosorry if i am bothering you, but would like to check if you aware of any such behaviour having spend quite long time with soapUI


    Thanks & Warm Regards




  • Hi,


    I have figured it why i experienced it . First of all it was my bad :)  Noting it here it it can be helpful to some one


    First of all if you see below example

    a) app/services/product

    b) app/services/product?orderBy=name



    they are basically same resource.... the second one has an additional query parameter

    If you develop 2 different resources for these , and try to generate test cases from it .... soapUI will always consider the first resource only.... so in your second test case... the query parameter 'orderBy' will not be there....


    instead always create only one resource with the parameter added...

    using the same resource , you can generate two different test cases... in one you can pass the query parameter and do not pass parameter value in another test case which we will be same as (a) case ..


    so you won't get confused that the test step in the test case is not updated with correct resource / parameters


