Forum Discussion

PerfTestMike's avatar
11 years ago

SoapUI command line - export statistics

Hello all,

I currently have a command test that I run from a Linux box. I'm using SoapUI 4.5.1

I run the below command:

sh /home/miked/soapUI/bin/ -s"[Test-Suite-Name]" -c"[test-case-name]" -l"[load-test-name]" -r -a -f/home/miked/load-tests/reports/ /home/miked/SoapUItest.xml

This generates a statistics page and a summary page. Is it possible to get the following:

- LoadTestLog
- LoadTestStepHistory
- LoadTestStatisticsHistory
- FailedTestSteps

If so, what flags do I need to add to the command?

Many thanks,


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