Forum Discussion

bernhardn's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Simple property transfer as counter

Hi all,

I have property MyNum defined at Project level and want to use it in a load test where it should be incremented by 1 in each iteration.

I tried to create a simple property transfer test step with the source and target property being my propery MyNum.
What's the syntax to increment it by 1 please?

I have tried lot of options and searched this forum and the available documentation by no luck; also tried a groovy script by don't know the required syntax either, sorry.

Hope anybody can help, looks like such a simple problem.

Much appreciated

Bit of background: the load test will loop (for example) 100 times to configure 100 simulators; each one by sending a REST request to it; simulator names are like MWLK1200, MWLK1201 etc...up to MWLK1300; hence the property will be used like "MWLK1${#Project#MyNum}" in the "value" field of the request (with a starting value of 200).
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