Forum Discussion

Scott_Tindal's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

response getTimeTaken different than soapUI reported times


I use soapUI 3.5.1 to execute web service load tests, the last step in the test script accesses the com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlRequest object from the WS request test step, and calls the getResponse().getTimeTaken() method to retrieve the duration of the request, and writes that to a log file with other data about the request. When comparing the avg request time reported from soapUI, to the calculated average of request times from my log file, the soapUI avg time is significantly higher (slower) than the value calculated from my log file (an example from one load test with 100,000 requests, soapUI calculated value was 304ms, calculated time from log file was 260ms). Could this be due to the load test options "include request write in calculated time" and "include request read in calculated time", both of which were enabled for the test? In other words, does the duration time retrieved by the getResponse().getTimeTaken() method not include the request write and read time? If this does not explain the difference, can anyone offer any other suggestions why these would be so different?

Scott Tindal
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