Is Hermes gone?
In our project we will soon need to support a JMS connection. So I downloaded and installed Hermes and wanted to integrate that with SOAP-UI. I *know* that I had done that at an earlier workplace (>5 years since). I followed the instructions ( and then wanted to call it up but this sentence does seem to be true anymore:
You can start HermesJMS from the Project menu:
I *have* configured the path to Hermes in the Preferences -> Tools dialog, but it does *not* show up in the Project menu (in no menu at all).
Does that functionality not work anymore? I recall that it was very convenient.
Is Hermes not supported anymore? When I start it via the .bat file its icon appears but then it seems to hang and nothing happens anymore. 😞
Later edit: Googling and searching around I realize that support for Hermes apparently seized long time ago. While I just got it going again (using a Java 8 VM, not with my default Java 11) it seems hopelessly fallen out-of-time. A pity!