Forum Discussion

jeffgaer's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Hermes alternative for JMS testing

Hermes is no longer maintained and the source does not seem to be available on source forge. Is there any plan for a replacement? Or would you have source available. We can not commit to a tool if a key feature for our project is unsupported.

  • TNeuschwanger's avatar
    Community Leader

    Hello...  just a note about Hermes...  I don't think you should be concerned about the near term longevity of the Hermes tool.  In my opinion, that should not be a deal breaker.  I have found that Hermes is really just a harness of the api's of JMS vendors.  From SoapUI v1 to now, there really has not been a lot done on the Hermes tool and Smartbear has done a great job bundling it into their product.  If Hermes did not get any more updates, it would probably work fine as is for the next ten years.  Your project will be refactored at worst in 5 years.  I wouldn't expect Smartbear to abandon Hermes anytime soon.

    • jeffgaer's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you both for the quick response. The problem is I have to insure the application is supportable, likely not to have a problem is not good enough for the customer. I did locate the source for Hermes. I has a dependancy on JIDE that I was not expecting and I need to resolve any licensing issues. How did SoapUI address that.  As a plan B, how difficult do you think it would be to code a Hermes substitute for just one JMS provider. We only need to support ActiveMQ. Is there any documentation available on the interface needed to implement a Hermes 'Substitute".

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    I belive that there may not be any active development on HermesJMS. But I believe that is more stable what it is.
    Regarding its source, available in, check it out if interested. Have you landed into any kind of issue?
    Recently I see a thread in our open source forum, it is called JMS Tool Box, you may check it out too.