Forum Discussion

Scripter's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Inserting 10000 rows of data in database

Hi all,


Goal: Use groovy to insert several rows in the database. Here I have to insert 10000 zipcodes with validity true or false in oracle database.


Achieved: Know to insert one row

Following is the code


import groovy.sql.Sql
import java.sql.SQLException

try {
def dbURL = context.expand('${#Project#ORACLE12c}')
def dbUser = context.expand('${#Project#SchemaUser}')
def dbPass = context.expand('${#Project#Pass}')
def dbDriver = context.expand('${#Project#ORACLEDriver}')
def dbconf = context.expand('${#Project#SchemaConf}')

def sql = Sql.newInstance(dbURL, dbUser, dbPass, dbDriver)
sql.execute("DELETE FROM "+dbconf+".ZipCodes WHERE VALID='true'")
sql.execute("INSERT INTO "+dbconf+".ZipCodes (ZIPCODE, VALID) VALUES ('71232', 'true')");


catch (SQLException e){
def tmp = e.getSQLState ()
log.error (tmp, e)

How to  insert several rows using groovy teststep or even JDBC teststep? Pls ignore the syntax error, if any.



  • Define the zip codes and valid into a file as show below:



    zip, valid

    12345, true

    23456, false



    Read the above data.txt file in groovy script and insert the data.



    import groovy.sql.Sql
    import java.sql.SQLException
    //Define the file path of your data with zip and valid 
    def fileName = '/absolute/path/to/data.txt'
    try {
    	def dbURL = context.expand('${#Project#ORACLE12c}')
    	def dbUser = context.expand('${#Project#SchemaUser}')
    	def dbPass = context.expand('${#Project#Pass}')
    	def dbDriver = context.expand('${#Project#ORACLEDriver}')
    	def dbconf = context.expand('${#Project#SchemaConf}')
    	def sql = Sql.newInstance(dbURL, dbUser, dbPass, dbDriver)
    	def lines = new File(fileName).readLines()  ?
    	lines.eachWithIndex { line, index ->
    	    if (index) {
    		def data = line.split(',')*.trim()
    		//sql.execute("DELETE FROM "+dbconf+".ZipCodes WHERE VALID='true'")
    		sql.execute("INSERT INTO ${dbconf}.ZipCodes (ZIPCODE, VALID) VALUES ('${data[0]}','${data[1]}')");      	   
    } catch (SQLException e){
       def tmp = e.getSQLState ()
       log.error (tmp, e)


  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    Define the zip codes and valid into a file as show below:



    zip, valid

    12345, true

    23456, false



    Read the above data.txt file in groovy script and insert the data.



    import groovy.sql.Sql
    import java.sql.SQLException
    //Define the file path of your data with zip and valid 
    def fileName = '/absolute/path/to/data.txt'
    try {
    	def dbURL = context.expand('${#Project#ORACLE12c}')
    	def dbUser = context.expand('${#Project#SchemaUser}')
    	def dbPass = context.expand('${#Project#Pass}')
    	def dbDriver = context.expand('${#Project#ORACLEDriver}')
    	def dbconf = context.expand('${#Project#SchemaConf}')
    	def sql = Sql.newInstance(dbURL, dbUser, dbPass, dbDriver)
    	def lines = new File(fileName).readLines()  ?
    	lines.eachWithIndex { line, index ->
    	    if (index) {
    		def data = line.split(',')*.trim()
    		//sql.execute("DELETE FROM "+dbconf+".ZipCodes WHERE VALID='true'")
    		sql.execute("INSERT INTO ${dbconf}.ZipCodes (ZIPCODE, VALID) VALUES ('${data[0]}','${data[1]}')");      	   
    } catch (SQLException e){
       def tmp = e.getSQLState ()
       log.error (tmp, e)


    • Scripter's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Worked for me with a small correction here.


      Thank you.

      sql.execute("INSERT INTO "+dbconf+".ZipCodes (ZIPCODE, VALID) VALUES  ('${data[0]}','${data[1]}')");     
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    You mean to read the "zip codes and valid" from a file / data-driven and do the insert?