Forum Discussion

ankursies's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

I am running a Test Automation Suite in SOAPUI and want my result to be directly integrated in JAMA.

I want to integrate SOAPUI and JAMA too in such a way that my execution result from SOAPUI should directly go in JAMA tool.


I am not sure if there is any such plug-in available which can perform this task.

  • KarelHusa's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    You can use Jama REST API to report test results into Jama.


    You can either:

    • invoke REST API with SoapUI REST Request test steps (a simple, but limited approach)
    • employ the Groovy scripts (e.g. TestCase tear down scripts): then you need to do some programming, but you get a great level of flexibility

