Forum Discussion

deeOWU10's avatar
Senior Member
9 years ago

How would I go about generating a TestSuite report using a groovy script?

Is there a way to perform auto generation of a testSuite Report from a groovy Script?


More specifically I have a TearDown groovy script that executes I want the report to generate before the TearDown occurs. I found on the boards this topic matter :


this was helpful in finding the GeneratableReports class. I was able to successfully get the list of all the testSuite Reports, but the .generate() method is not working. I do not want to utilize the coverage report object either.


 I am not receiving any errors however no report is generating. I have this method defined in my Teardown Script similar to the solution from the above forum:


def reportGeneration(log, runner, context, testSuite) {
  def report = new WsdlTestSuiteReport(context.testSuite) "report: ${report}"
     def availableReports = ReportEngineRegistry.getAvailableReports( report  ) // get list of all reports for test case "available reports: ${availableReports} " "available reports: ${availableReports[4]}"
         // generate 2nd , format PDF ( here you can add other formats ), at location "directory"
      availableReports[4].generate( report.getModelItem().getSettings(), (String[])[ "PDF" ], "directorypath")
   // "generation:  ${result}"


in soapUI interface when in the test suite TearDown Script tab I have this string for SoapUI to find this method:


context.acqTestSuite.reportGeneration(log, runner, context, testSuite)



I am not  sure what I am doing incorrect any help would be greatly appreciated.