How to pass value from properties in query parameter ?
Hi All,
I am trying to pass value from propeerties in query parameter using ${Properties#Type} in get request, but when i am giving ${Properties#Type} the same content is passing while sending request. Can anyone help me please in this issue?
I want to pass diffrent values in query parameter through properties and the value will load in properties at the run time while execution test suite from excel sheet.
If you are asking about passing a property value to a Query in JDBC Request then your approach is correct. Its just that if query parameter type is string then use single quotes otherwise use property as is. Below is simple example:
EPMPLOYEE_ID = ${EMP_DTL#EMPID)In this example EMP_DTL is Properties step where LAST_NM and EMP_ID are properties stored in. Hope this help resolving your issue. Accept this as solution if this really helps or provide more details on what you are trying to achieve with details explanation of your tests.