Comparison of Two Property Values In Two Different Properties Steps
I created a test a long time ago that always passed - essentially I had two REST requests and I wanted to compare an attribute value from each of these REST requests to confirm they were identical. I couldn't find any OTB functionality to support a comparison of results from separate test steps so I used a bit of groovy. HOWEVER - my test always passes and I've realised its actually incorrect and I don't know why - so would like some guidance please?
OK - my test case hierarchy is as follows:
REST1 step
PropertyTransfer (grabs GUIDProcCode from REST1 result and passes it to Properties1 step
Properties1 step (holds Propertyname= GUIDProcCode, Propertyvalue=Xs45-cvs78)
REST2 step
PropertyTransfer (grabs WEIRDGUIDCode from REST2 result and passes it to Properties2 step
Properties2 step (holds Propertyname= WEIRDGUIDCode, Propertyvalue=Xs45-cvs78)
GroovyStep - details as follows:
def fn = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue('GUIDProcCode') def fn2 = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue('WEIRDGUIDCode') assert fn == fn2, "values are identical, SoapUI is great"
Now I always thought the test executed fine cos tbh i could see the groovy step passed and I could also see the values written to the 2 different properties steps were identical.
HOWEVER - I've just started looking at this script cos I need to do something similar and I've realised this groovy step ISN'T doing what I think it's doing.
When I run the groovy debugger I noticed it saying
fn (java.lang.Object) = null
fn2 (java.lang.Object) = null
so I'm guessing its not finding those property values after all!
I was wondering about the following lines
def fn = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue('GUIDProcCode') def fn2 = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue('WEIRDGUIDCode')
first thing I notice is that I'm not specifying WHICH Properties steps - the GUIDProcCode is in Properties 1 step, the WEIRDGUIDCode is actually stored in Properties 2 step. I did try storing them in the one step, but the script didn't execute properly and SmartBear told me I had to split them out due to the sequence of execution.
I've had a read of various pages and they dont appear to state I need to specify the actual Properties step name, however groovyguy helped me out yonks ago and gave me some code as follows:
def propertiesStep = context.testCase.testSteps["Properties"];
and I tried altering the script to the following:
def propertiesStepGUIDProcCode = context.testCase.testSteps["Properties1"]; def fn = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue('GUIDProcCode') def propertiesStepWEIRDGUIDCode = context.testCase.testSteps["Properties2"]; def fn2 = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue('WEIRDGUIDCode') assert fn == fn2, "values are identical, SoapUI is great"
And it didn't work! not surprising considering my coding skills
Can anyone advise? am I totally on the wrong track here? am mI missing somethign totally stupid?
Many thanks to all!
richie ,
(4) Steps could be reduced in the test case provided both response are available. Access the both responses of rest request steps, extract required values and compare them in a single groovy script.
Any ways, below script does the comparison the way you wanted.
Please follow the comments provided in the script below: