Forum Discussion
This is an cool idea, as you say the Hermes project seems to be dormant.
I would be happy to offer advice / snippets to show you how to develop a basic SoapUI plugin or even work with you to maybe help develop yours (amoungst other things I'm a Java Dev / Architect, have done some simple plugins, but not published any).
Aside from the plugin fundamentals, you would most likely need some java Swing skills to cover any UI feautres.
However, whilst I might be able to help, in all honesty a stronger offer may come from the Smartbear / SoapUI development team...?
Aside from the actual coding there are probably some architectural / design aspects to consider before starting the plugin, like whether you see it being a custom JMS TestStep plugin or whether you would like it to extend the existing Request TestSteps?
Apart from being done as a plugin, if seen as core functionality, possibly the Smartbear team would allow / help it to be added as a enhancement to the actual product e.g. as part of a feature request?
Anyway, cool idea, let me know if I can help and/or good luck working on it!