Forum Discussion

AnishBala's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

How to increase SOAP UI performace to push more SOAP request in a second.

As part of a process, we  need to generate a load of 2.77 SOAP requests per second.

I am using Groovy script to run the load with multiple threads and accessing multiple excel files for different data for each unique data.


In any way, i am not able to reach transaction rate of 1.7 and above. Inspite of all recommended memory management, my SOAP UI takes minimum 3 seconds for a request.


In case of my load, i am not needed to wait for the response, So can Soap ui just submit request and don't wait for a response, thus increase the speed of per second transaction rate.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Are you using "load test" of soapui?

    Is the application and test being done from within same subnet?

    May be you can try loadtestrunner (.bat/.sh) of SOAPUI_HOME/bin directory.

    If that does not help, may be you can look at "loadui" tool.
    • AnishBala's avatar
      New Contributor

      No, i am using SOAP UI and using Groovy to interact with Excel using POI for different data.

      As part of the Test Case - i  have one Groovy which will create the required XML content and then pass that to SOAP REQUEST component by trigger the step through the same groovy.

      This is need to support variety of data to reduce caching issues.


      I then used the LOAD Component to run this test case.  this is my framework which we are using.


      I also made all the memory management changes and also increased the allocated memory by updating SoapUI-5.0.0.vmoptions, testrunner.bat and loadtestrunner.bat files. Also increased PermSize to give more allocation to Groovy execution.


      Still i am not able to get the required transaction rate. I feel some how SOAP UI is waiting for the response, if we can some how only direct SOAP UI to just send request without waiting for response. it may speed up the rate.


      I have attached my memory graph, i am not able to figure out why the soap is dropping its consumption after every alternate times.


      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2
        How about other pointers from previous response?
  • sanj's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Well sounds like a limitation with the ui

    you may need to script everything including starting the project and running the tests


    • AnishBala's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thanks for your response. .


      Do you have any links where I can refer to do the complete Load through scripting.