Forum Discussion

Mis3's avatar
Frequent Contributor
3 years ago

How to combine 2 XML requests

Is it possible to combine 2 XML requests with the same end point?

Execute Request 2 only if response status of Request 1 is "0".


Request 1:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="">
<typ:SearchRequest limit="1">
<typ:searchParams view="" key="number='3133140001' rrid=0"/>


Request 2:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="">
<typ:GetRequest view="" key="number='3133140001' rrid=0"/>





  • ChrisAdams's avatar
    Champion Level 3


    I'd use a Groovy step after Request 1 to check the value of interest, if it's there, I'd let the Request 2 step run.  If it's not there, I'd 'jump' over request 2 to another step.


    The below is some pseudo code to illustrate the Groovy Step to check the value from Request 1.

    def requestOneValue = context.expand( '${StepName#Response}' );
    if (requestOneValue == "0") {
        // Do nothing here and let the test continue onto Request 2
    } else {
        // We don't have the value, so don't run Request 2."Skipping Request 2");
        testRunner.gotoStepByName("Name of first step AFTER request 2");



    • Mis3's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Yes, Groovy would work.   In fact, I already created a Groovy script to include these 2 and other steps.   I am hoping there is a way to combine the 2 requests in one API without Groovy.

      I do not know this context.expand function.  I will read up on this. 


      • ChrisAdams's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        I'm really not understanding what you're trying to achieve.


        Mis3 wrote:

        Is it possible to combine 2 XML requests with the same end point?

        Execute Request 2 only if response status of Request 1 is "0".


        You could combine the two payloads to create a single one?  Are you expecting the backend to process payload one and then process payload two based on response


        Or do you want to combine both payloads into a single test step, and SoapUI only uses the first part; gets a response and then decides to send the second part?