Forum Discussion
That's an (empty) SoapUI project file, not a WSDL file...
<con:soapui-project id="2c806cfb-4fe1-4887-b305-67b54b553b15" activeEnvironment="Default" name="AgentConnect1705-soapui-project" resourceRoot="${projectDir}" soapui-version="5.4.0" xmlns:con=""> <con:settings/> <con:properties/> <con:wssContainer/> <con:oAuth2ProfileContainer/> <con:oAuth1ProfileContainer/> </con:soapui-project>
Hi J,
For now all APIs are publically accessible, we'll be introducing private APIs a little later on.
So "Publishing" is about making your API version fixed.
The idea is, once you publish an API with a version, it'll never change. Its a contract between the API and its users.
In SwaggerHub it simply sets the API as readOnly from that point on.
Here's a quick workflow...
Create an API definition.
Work on it, until its ready to be used in the wild.
Implement the API (there are codegen tools available).
Publish the API (just that version, by the way).
Now your API is set/cast/fixed.
Users who look for YourAPI v1.0.2, will always see the same API specification.
Then you work on the next iteration, with a newer version - to be published when ready.
We'll also be introducing more lifecycles to the API flow, and would love to hear your thoughts :)