Forum Discussion

bo8ster's avatar
Occasional Contributor
15 years ago

Extract Rows from a Excel Datasource


I have a question regarding data sources with SoapUI Pro, I am using SoapUI Pro 3.0.1
Currently I have an Excel data source step that 15 columns and 29 rows. I have created the properties for each column so when I run the step all the data appears in the ‘data log’ section.
I can get a data source loop to move over all the data and use property expansion to reference the data in a request.

How can I reference a particular row in a request like ${WageData#Pay[5] } where I am referencing the 5th row in the data source for the Pay property? This would be the same for a grid datasource.

I tried in Groovy but I have the same issue context.expand( '${WageData#Pay}' ) does not allow me to choose the row I want. Can this be done another way like getting the result of the test step?

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