Forum Discussion

alesky's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Develop a custom Test Step integrated in SOAPUI

Hello all


i'm using SoapUi opensource 5.3


i'm try to implement a custom step to perfom same FTP operation as part of my step a test case

i have already implemented the step as a groovy script, but now i would like to implement it has a step present in the soapui user inerface. (right click on Test steps >  add step > My ftp step )


browsing on internet I found that was possible wiht the previous version of SoapUI (4.x)

but for the new version still i didn't found any valid documentation to follow to start up same development


is there sameone of you that can help my to find same valid documents






  • 05ten's avatar
    Not entirely sure which version introduces plugins. But I know that 5.0.0 does not have it, so it's pretty recent. Could be that the 5.1.x version you have doesn't sport the new plugin framework yet. If the folder is not created then I'm guessing that's the case.

    So an upgrade might be in order to not have to use the old, and very clunky, plugin framework.
  • 05ten's avatar
    Run soapui using the /bin/soapui.bat and show us the printout. It will show you why the plugin hasn't loaded if it fails. :)
    • alesky's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      is it the plugin installation folder alway under  <user>\.soapuios\plugins for 5.1.x as for 5.3


      I noted that 5.3 created automatically the folder during the installation process, then there the plugins is recnoized...

      in the log we have the issue related to the sign of the jar (that is ok, as espected)


      instead in the other machine where we installed 5.1.x the folder was missing then we created it manually

      the path <user>\.soapuios\plugins


      we will have a look on the console output launching by .bat




  • 05ten's avatar
    Yup, it's definitely doable.

    Feel free to fork my flow-soapui-plugin or vault-soapui-plugin if you want somewhere to start. The vault one is a little more gui heavy and adds integration with if you want examples on more extensive gui bindings and teststeps that create testproperties.

    Feel free to reach out on github or here should you need any assistance. :)

    I'm happy to help.
    • alesky's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      hello 05ten


      we tryed to instal your plugin under SoapUI opensource under 5.1.x version

      in the way to skip the signing procedure


      but the plugin is not installed, i mean it is not added in the UI interface..

      any advice on the way to debug it at example how to verify if soapUI try to load the plugin during the startup phase


      thank you


  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Not sure what link you have referred. Try to see if this documentation is helpful.


    Recently 05ten has developed & released a plugin for Repeat Steps and the same is available @ github


    I believe that should be a good start for you to refer and post your updates or issues so that someone can offer help.


    Good luck.