Forum Discussion

rajs2020's avatar
Frequent Contributor
5 years ago

Customize ReadyAPI - How to develop my own plugins for ReadyAPI?

Sometimes, ReadyAPI does not have small functionality which I need to be productive. I know that there are no guarantees that SmartBear will prioritize or ever work on my requirements. I don't know if other users of ReadyAPI even see these feature requests and *then* feel that they are missing something significant.

So, I was wondering if we could develop such functionality ourselves and add to ReadyAPI as a plugin so that we are less dependent on SmartBear. If yes, then I'd like to know the following questions. Btw, we can develop plugins with IDEs like Eclipse, Intellij IDEA etc.

1 - Is there a marketplace for ReadyAPI plugins?
2 - Where is the documentation for developing ReadyAPI plugins?
3 - Which programming languages & tools does one need to know to make plugins?
4 - Can I use my own plugin on my copy of ReadyAPI or do I need permission from SmartBear etc.?
5 - Does SmartBear do paid acquisitions of plugins which are developed outside the company?