Forum Discussion

Alkaiser's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Changes in Response definitions - no effect on soapUI?

I ran a test to determine if by modifying a field in a dependent XSD whether soapUI would Update Definitions correctly.
In a sense I think it does what it's made to do. It updates Requests upon an Update Definition.
However, I would have assumed that if a field in the Response data object was modified (and in fact made a mandatory response field), a returned response that doesn't match the new data object should throw an error. I need this functionality if I am to integrate automated testing with soapUI.

Does soapUI handle changes in Response definitions, or did I miss something? (info if this works in Pro would be handy as well)

5 Replies

  • Hi!

    A SchemaCompliance assertion should detect that the old response isn't compliant with the new schema.. how are you validating the response?


  • Alkaiser's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks for that, I was assuming an error would be returned in XML format.
    There's an equivalent option in the Editor Settings tab in preferences to validate Responses, is that an alternative? In fact, that's the only option to validate Requests as well.
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    yes, you are correct, I totally forgot about that setting :-) That will also apply to responses that are for "standalone" requests (ie requests not in a TestCase)


  • Alkaiser's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Ole

    While still on topic; when I do have that Editor Setting enabled, it displays fine in the UI, but is there anyway to grab the displayed 'compliance errors' through TestRunner? I've only had success getting error messages from Assertions, which is fine for responses, but for requests there is no related assertion. If you could point me in the right direction that would be great.
    This is for SOAP messages by the way.
  • Alkaiser's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Might I add, through searching the forum for similar problems, the implication was soapUI Pro might allow Asynchronous test steps, or Append Step of a MockResponse to a test request. So i grabbed the trial and both these options do not seem to exist.
    Some direction would be handy