8 years agoOccasional Contributor
Build and Send Request from excel then build and send response from excel
Can someone please guide me to the right direction?
I have two excel files. 1) Request 2) Response
Request.xls file looks like this:
| UserId | Password | OrderId |
1 | XYZ1 | XYZ | LK567 |
2 | VBG0 | VBG | ER989 |
Response.xls file looks like this:
| UserId | Password | OrderId | CFName | CLName | Phone |
1 | XYZ1 | XYZ | LK567 | John | Smith | 678-901-236 |
2 | VBG0 | VBG | ER989 | Rich | Bread | 234-67-0193 |
3 | RTY3 | RTY | CA123 | Carlos | Gu | 561-09-7777 |
4 | K347Q | K347 | GRLQW | Grant | Shah | 709-00-2314 |
- Read data from Request.xls starting from first line then create and send XML request
- Search UserId and OrderId that were sent in step 1 within Response.xls file
- If found then create and send XML response
- Else send data not found response
Execute step 1 and step 2 for all data set in Request.xls file.