Forum Discussion

enkeledasinani's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

why i have error no valid soapui ng license exists?

at 3:25  i am facing with stop working of soapui application because of error "no valid soapui ng license exists? Please eneter absolute path of the license file..

Meanwhile Experience date is 23.11.2018


thank you

Enkeleda Sinani

  • Actually the steps should be:


    1. Enter license in ReadyAPI.
    2. Email for off-line activation.
    4. Receive key file.
    5. Copy to machine.
    6. Browse to file and select it to complete offline activation.

    If you interrupt or re-start this process you have to start over from the beginning. You CANNOT close the activation window until you provide it the file from the email. 


    If that is what you did, and if it still doesn't work, contact support as indicated. :) 

13 Replies

  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    It looks like you are running via a command line process. Does the license work when launching ReadyAPI itself? If so, it may be a disconnect between the process running the CLI arguments and what user it acts as and what user the license is installed under.

    • enkeledasinani's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      license is installed with the user, which run the command line .

      even with ReadyAPI itself, it is the same error messagge


      thank you


      • groovyguy's avatar
        Community Hero

        So when you launch ReadyAPI, you get the same error about a missing license?

    • groovyguy's avatar
      Community Hero

      You are more than welcome! I'm glad we finally got to the bottom of it and figured it out. :) 

      • sanj's avatar
        Super Contributor

        groovyguy awesome with your detailed oriented approach.

        I totally forgot abt the step where dialog needs to be open.

        I assumed that was a give!