WARN message - Custom library or report directory does not exist
When starting ReadyAPI, everytime the initial log shows these lines in the beggining. The 2 bolded WARN lines I keep getting. These directories exist, I've never done anything with the reporting or custom libraries to have made any changes to affect these. Could someone please let me know where I need to look to fix this. It's been a thing for the last 2-3 releases that I've noticed, it doesn't go away.
INFO: ReadyAPI 3.1.0 (build 5047) started - System properties: {OS=Windows 10, User name=xxxxxxxxxx}
INFO: SoapUI settings were initialized from [C:\Users\xxxxxxxxxx\soapui-settings.xml]
INFO: "C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-3.1.0\bin\ext\sqljdbc42.jar" has been added to the classpath.
WARN: The custom library "C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-3.1.0\bin" does not exist.
INFO: 1 JDBC drivers have been registered from the directory bin/ext: [com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver].
INFO: Adding listeners from [C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-3.1.0\bin\listeners\demo-listeners.xml]
WARN: The report directory "C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-3.1.0\bin" does not exist. The default report directory will be used.
INFO: Adding actions from [C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-3.1.0\bin\actions\demo-actions.xml]
The warnings you get concern custom Java and report libraries you may want to use in your projects. To avoid the warnings in the log, please specify the corresponding paths in Settings > ReadyAPI dialog > Custom Java libraries & Custom report library. Please see the following help topic for details:
I agree that currently the warnings look ambiguous as they refer to the missing <ReadyAPI>/bin folder which obviously exists. We have registered the issue in our bug-tracking DB, and we will do our best to fix it in one of the next product updates. Sorry for the inconvenience!