Groovy script library
Hi, I am creating a central library of Groovy Classes, however I run into errors when trying to invoke the classes. The reason is because when we run a normal Groovy Script step from within ReadyAPI, it is already invoked with log, context and testRunner. I guess I need to import these in my groovy class to achieve the same.
What do I need to import in my groovy classes though? Where are log, testRunner, context etc imported from?
When I try to run the class below from a groovy script step with:
package soapui.mygroovystuff;;
c = new SetBaseVariables();
I get "An error occurred [No such property: log for class...". If I comment out the log lines I then get a similar error for testRunner.
The class:
package soapui.mygroovystuff;
import jxl.Sheet;
import jxl.Workbook;
class SetBaseVariables {
void setBaseVariables() {
Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File("C:\\Config.xls"));
Sheet configBaseVariables = workbook.getSheet("Config_BaseVariables");"***************************************************************** Setting TestCase base variables.")
for (int row = 1 ; row < configBaseVariables.getRows(); row ++ )
for (int column = 0 ; column < configBaseVariables.getColumns(); column ++)
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue(configBaseVariables.getCell(column, 0).getContents(), configBaseVariables.getCell(column, row).getContents())
//"***************************************************************** Setting TestCase base variables complete.")
Thank you for posting to our Community Forum.
Here is our documentation on the groovy script library that includes an example external script. In this example they use a static method and import the log object from a groovy script TestStep. In that case you don't need to know the library with the log object.
I do not know where the log object is stored. In a groovy TestStep, I ran the script log.class and it returned "org.apache.log4j.Logger". Maybe that can help you.
Here is also our site with all available methods:
Have a great day!