5 years agoOccasional Contributor
Update definition not updating / importing request json payload
I have a project that was started with a swagger.json URL. Since the initial creation of the project I was able to update the definition a few times and got new endpoints, request updates etc.
Then it stopped.
Now when I update definition new endpoints are added to the project but the jason payload of the request is not.
Is there a setting that controls this or a way to fix it. Its a bit of a pain to update the definiton then go to swager doc to verifiy the endpoint & add the json
As far as I see, our Support Team provided you with a solution:
Try adding "-Dsoapui.browser.disabled=true" to the ReadyAPI-2.8.2\bin\ReadyAPI.vmoptions file.
Then Restart ReadyAPI and let me know if this helps with the issue at all.