Forum Discussion

totester's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Unable to create a report in ReadyAPI 3.3.0

Unable to create a report due to the following error: Unable to create a report for this test run. The test was run in an earlier version of the product, or it was not completed successfully.


The scenario was set up in ReadyAPI 3.3.0 and it is running in ReadyAPI 3.3.0 but not able to generate report

    • totester's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you but it is not the ask for as the document is just generic to generate report.

      The problem for readyAPI 3.3.0 is when there were significant amount of errors, you will not be able to generate report at all.

      The workaround could be to restart readyAPI or restart PC but is inconvenient. 

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        Please try running the tests in command line using testrunner and see if that helps.
        Also check why too many errors like if the application under test is stable.