Forum Discussion

grussell's avatar
13 years ago

The Save and Exit button

So, I'd just done a few hours work:

I move my mouse to the toolbar to save, when I notice there is a "Saves all projects and exits SoapUI" button, so I click it.
Then I press yes to Exit (doesn't mention anything about not actually saving).
Then I realise that in the preferences I unchecked the "Save on Exit" 'feature' (which is annoying when using version control and openining tests written in earlier versions or not pretty printed etc. as it saves it even though nothing was changed).

I then re-open SoapUI to find that none of my work had been saved!!

1 Reply

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    The Save and Exit button in the toolbar is somewhat unconventional, and really it should be removed to avoid confusion. The X button for the app itself however works well with the settings in preferences. We will remove the toolbar button moving forward, thanks for pointing out this issue.

    SmartBear Software