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sonya_m's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
5 years ago

[TechCorner Challenge #11] Change Socket Timeout for HTTP requests using Groovy Script

Hi Community!🙂

Here's a new task for you to practice your skills of using the ReadyAPI tool.  Check out the participation rules and TechCorner Leaderboard here.


ReaydAPI allows you to set a global socket timeout value for HTTP requests through its preferences, however, there are times where this is not enough.

Some specific requests may require a different value to better suit your expectations for the test. In these cases, you can use a Groovy script to change the socket timeout value then change it back to its original value.


Task: Write a Groovy Script that will set socket timeout to a new value, then return it to the default value.



Good luck😊

  • Task: Write a Groovy Script that will set socket timeout to a new value, then return it to the default value.


    This is a solution created for [TechCorner Challenge #11]


    Here's what I managed to come up with 🙂



    import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI;
    import com.eviware.soapui.settings.HttpSettings
    // Get test step reference.
    def testStep = context.testCase.testSteps["TestStep"];
    // Get the settings of the test step.
    def tsSettings =  testStep.getSettings();
    // Get the value of the current time out.
    def currentTimeOut = tsSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, "");
    // Adjust the timeout.
    def newTimeOut = (currentTimeOut.toInteger() * 2).toString();
    // Show the current timeout value."The current Socket Timeout value is: " + tsSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, ""));
    // Set to the new timeout.
    tsSettings.setString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, newTimeOut);
    // Show the timeout value has been adjusted."The adjusted Socket Timeout value is: " + tsSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, ""));
    // Revert back to original timeout.
    tsSettings.setString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, currentTimeOut);
    // Show the timeout value is the original value."Adjusted back to original timeout: " + tsSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, ""));


  • Task: Write a Groovy Script that will set socket timeout to a new value, then return it to the default value.


    This is a solution created for [TechCorner Challenge #11]


    Hi sonya_m :


    I have came across two below solutions:


    1. As the challenge states to change particular Test Step Setting, below groovy can be useful:



    import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI
    import com.eviware.soapui.settings.HttpSettings
    def testStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("TEST__STEP__NAME");
    def testSettings = testStep.getSettings();
    def oldTime = testSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT,""); "OLD TIMEOUT :: "+oldTime
    //setting new timeout
    //save the settings
    SoapUI.saveSettings(); "NEW TIMEOUT :: "+testSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT,"");
    //revert back old timeout
    testSettings.setString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT,oldTime); "REVERT BACK TO OLD TIMEOUT :: "+testSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT,"");
    //save the settings




    2. If we want to modify global setting instead of particular test step setting, below groovy can be useful:



    import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI
    import com.eviware.soapui.settings.HttpSettings
    //Get soapUI settings from preferences > HTTP Settings > Socket Timeout (ms)
    def settings = SoapUI.getSettings()
    //Set New time
    //save the settings



3 Replies

  • Task: Write a Groovy Script that will set socket timeout to a new value, then return it to the default value.


    This is a solution created for [TechCorner Challenge #11]


    Hi sonya_m :


    I have came across two below solutions:


    1. As the challenge states to change particular Test Step Setting, below groovy can be useful:



    import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI
    import com.eviware.soapui.settings.HttpSettings
    def testStep = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("TEST__STEP__NAME");
    def testSettings = testStep.getSettings();
    def oldTime = testSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT,""); "OLD TIMEOUT :: "+oldTime
    //setting new timeout
    //save the settings
    SoapUI.saveSettings(); "NEW TIMEOUT :: "+testSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT,"");
    //revert back old timeout
    testSettings.setString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT,oldTime); "REVERT BACK TO OLD TIMEOUT :: "+testSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT,"");
    //save the settings




    2. If we want to modify global setting instead of particular test step setting, below groovy can be useful:



    import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI
    import com.eviware.soapui.settings.HttpSettings
    //Get soapUI settings from preferences > HTTP Settings > Socket Timeout (ms)
    def settings = SoapUI.getSettings()
    //Set New time
    //save the settings



    • sonya_m's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      groovyguy Thank you, that was a really fast answer! And, it works great, too.


      HimanshuTayal Awesome! Thank you for providing an alternative solution!


  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    Task: Write a Groovy Script that will set socket timeout to a new value, then return it to the default value.


    This is a solution created for [TechCorner Challenge #11]


    Here's what I managed to come up with 🙂



    import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI;
    import com.eviware.soapui.settings.HttpSettings
    // Get test step reference.
    def testStep = context.testCase.testSteps["TestStep"];
    // Get the settings of the test step.
    def tsSettings =  testStep.getSettings();
    // Get the value of the current time out.
    def currentTimeOut = tsSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, "");
    // Adjust the timeout.
    def newTimeOut = (currentTimeOut.toInteger() * 2).toString();
    // Show the current timeout value."The current Socket Timeout value is: " + tsSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, ""));
    // Set to the new timeout.
    tsSettings.setString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, newTimeOut);
    // Show the timeout value has been adjusted."The adjusted Socket Timeout value is: " + tsSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, ""));
    // Revert back to original timeout.
    tsSettings.setString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, currentTimeOut);
    // Show the timeout value is the original value."Adjusted back to original timeout: " + tsSettings.getString(HttpSettings.SOCKET_TIMEOUT, ""));