Forum Discussion

Svetlana's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Switching to Form view and back to XML view deletes field tags that were blank.

 My  XML file contains following structure:

                  <abc: State/>
                  <abc: PostalCode/>
                  <abc: Country/>


After switching to Form view and back to XML the same area looks like that:



Is it a bug? 

  • Svetlana's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I contacted Ready! API Customer Care Team with this issue. Thank you, Tanya!

    • jkretsch's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      This "bug" is not new.  This has been a problem in SoapUI since as long as I can remember.

      • mal_game's avatar
        New Contributor

        This is still an issue in 2019. Is there a plan to fix it?

  • Svetlana's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Hi Tanya,


    Thank you for your prompt reply.


    I installed the maitenance build using the link you provided. After installation an instance of regular Ready API was launched automatically. I encountered absolutely the same issue as I described yesterday. Structure <abc: State></abc: State> didn't make any difference. This tag was deleted anyway.


    Then I manually ran another instance of Ready API Snapshot from Windows menu. The behavior was slightly different: an Error showed up with following text: Do you want to recreate a default message from the schema? I clicked No and all the fields dissapeared from Form view but xml file wasn't blanked out. Running my service created an error.


    Then I closed current Ready API Snapshot instance and launched another one. This time I answered Yes to the error message. It set all the fields to "?" value but kept the structure in both Form and XML views.


    I think I will stick with regular Ready API rather than Snapshot. If I don't switch to Form view, Ready API allows me to run services based on an XML file.


    • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Hi Svetlana,


      The behavior you describe is very strange (several Ready! API instances shouldn’t work differently). Could you please contact our Ready! API Customer Care Team ( ) to analyze this behavior and to come to the solution?