SoapuiPro License Uninstallation
I have a valid soapUi Pro License and i tried to use in in my build agent machine whcih i dont have remote login access to run my soapUI tests as part of CICD .I just ran the Install commnad line script (using .jar file and Key file) through build definition tasks from ADO(azure dev ops) and now i am unable to uninstall the license from that agent as the uninstallation script is interactive one where i need to choose the product and then the y/n(for continuing uninstllation) and then 1(for onlie/offline).
because of that,i am unable to use that linces anywehre else and i am gettign the error saying"The license is invalid: The license can not be activated as the number of allowed copies has been exceeded".
So, please help me how can i uninstall the lincese from the build agent machine non-interactively? or if you could help me to restore the license from you end, that would work for me too?
Hi VijayManda
I see that you opened a support ticket about this (00421951) and your license was successfully reset by our Support Team. Let me quote the reply from the support here as it contains useful links for future reference:
And here are the steps of how to deactivate a fixed license in the silent mode using the command-line License Manager utility:, strictly speaking, your scenario should involve the use of a floating license instead of a fixed one because the number of times a fixed license can be reset is strictly limited. Please refer to the following help topic for details:<<