Forum Discussion

ankush8064's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

SoapUI Runner Issue


I have a peculiar issue with SoapUI runner. I am using the free versions of Soap UI (4.5.2) and LoadUI (2.1.1).
I am trying to test a REST service hosted in Azure. For that, I have created a Virtual User Scenario with 2 Soap UI runners attached to Ramp sequence generators.
The test is run for 2 hrs with ramp duration of 15 min and peak duration of 1 hrs 30 min. Load at peak duration is 100 requests/sec.

The issue is that when the test completes 2 hrs, I can see some requests in running status which never gets completed.
I have to stop the test and abort the currently running requests to get the report.
Also, when I check the generated report I see that the 2 soapui runners have request count as 314999 and 314998. I have observed that even after executing different api's multiple times, the two soapui runners always have same count. Is there something with these numbers that soapui runner never seems to cross? I could not find any setting relating to maximum requests soapui runner can execute.

I would really appreciate if somebody can offer some insight into this issue as it has become a blocker for me. The screenshots for Loadui runner and report are attached. Please let me know if any clarifications are needed.

Best Regards,

1 Reply

  • Hello there!

    Impressive! You are running LoadUI 2.1.1, i honestly did not expect that version to still start.
    The first question i have to ask, have you been able to reproduce this with any LoadUI-version after 2.5+ ?

    You can find the older versions of LoadUI: Here

    Best regards,