SmartBearAmber, thank you for your reply but unfortunately it didn't tell me anything.
Could you, please, point me in the right direction and provide links on how to:
1) Integrate ReadyAPI 1.8.5 (SoapUI NG Pro) with Jenkins via Maven?
What I managed to find seems obsolete (v 5.1.1: and doesn't even mention new flashy NG Pro which it considers version 6
I don't believe there's no Maven plugin specifically for ReadyAPI 1.8.5's SoapUI NG Pro
2) I found this Ready API Jenkins plugin:
The doco says: "Ready! API includes a plugin for Jenkins which allows you to run Ready! API projects as part of your continuous integration. The plugin currently allows you to start and stop ServiceV Virts as part of your Jenkins build..."
The problem is - it doesn't work: Is it meant ONLY for ServiceV Virts not actual SoapUI tests?!
It definitely didn't execute SoapUI NG Pro tests.
3) - is it really the only option? If so please give me an official guide on how to install TestRunner component (and this component alone without the rest of the 140+ MB of SoapUI NG PRO application) on Linux (debian) box
Most importantly: I saw those happy-happy & flashy-flashy sales pitches on how easy this new flashy NG PRO is to integrate with Jenkins - and almost 0 of real (not Promotional) information on how to do it.
PS yes I understand I'll need to provide the license files