Forum Discussion

kenm's avatar
6 years ago

SoapUI - Updating multiple testcases quickly

Good morning fellow SoapUIers,


One criticism I've seen leveled at SoapUI, and have personally experienced, are the challenges around widespread test updates. For example if a single API call, with assertions on some attributes of the response, which is used in many many testcases is updated then you may have tens of not hundreds of testcases to update.


I tend to find this time consuming in comparison to more traditional IDEs. Are there any fast/efficient ways to address this?

Thanks in advance for your time! morning   :)


8 Replies

  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero

    One quick way to update it, if you know what changes need to be made, is to write a groovy script to parse every test step and its assertions in a project and change the contents of the script assertion. Or to open the XML file itself (if its not a composite project) and do a find/replace all.


    Within ReadyAPI itself, depending on the cause that is driving your changes, if you have to update/wsdl/schema you can use the "Refactor" option to potentially update XPATH within all of the assertions.

    Can you provide a bit more detail? What is driving your change and what do you need to change on the assertions?

    • kenm's avatar

      Cheers for the detailed response,


      Typically it's response payload structure changing breaking assertions. That specific call may be used in many many places across the entire solution. We use composite projects so global search and replace on non composite XML not really a runner I'm afraid.

      • groovyguy's avatar
        Community Hero

        If I might ask, what is causing the changes to the response payload structure?