SoapUI/ReadyAPI Maven - Run Multiple TestCase in POM
Hello SmartBear Community,
Is it possible to run SoapUI/ReadyAPI for more than one test case using Maven via configuring the POM.xml file?
I have a POM file configured to run ReadyAPI.
<!--tags><param>TestCase tag1, tag2</param></tags-->
Note: With the above setup, test suite = TestSuite_One and test case = TestCase_One will be executed.
If I leave testSuite and testCase blank as shown below, then all testSuite and testCase will be executed.
Ideally, I can execute more than one test case by using tag as comment above. Tag the test case in SoapUI/ReadyAPI, then call them in POM. Question, is tag the only method to use to execute multiple test cases with Maven?
You can find a sample pom.xml file here:
Here is the part for tags:
But, if you're going to use tags, it's better to use a maintenance build for ReadyAPI 2.6.0 because there were some issues with tags in ReadyAPI 2.6.0.