Forum Discussion

kaivi's avatar
7 years ago



im completely new to testing and im working now in the dev. department of my company. We are Searching for a Testsoftware to test APIs. I found SOAPUI.

I dont really have a question its more a "am i wrong" or "am right". I really dont get the difference between SOAPUI and ReadyAPI. For me its sounds like SOAPUI PRO is a old version and its now SOAPUI NG PRO and this is Part of ReadyAPI. ReadyAPI is not a real Programm more a dashboard or a platform and his function is to provide the functions from SOAPUI, LOADUI and ServiceV Pro respectively its a administration-/managment-/control-programm?!


I hope u get it what i mean.

best regards and a wonderful weekend



  • Hi Kai,


    In a nutshell, SoapUI 5.4.0v is a standalone product from SmartBear, this application supports API testing and automation, though it may require you to use groovy to be able to do what you need to do - that's why it's a free edition.


    ReadyAPI is an application as well, which consists of SoapUI PRO, SecureUI, LoadUI and ServiceV. You can choose and buy whichever tool you need to use, out of the 4.

    ReadyAPI does offer a lot more in a sense that it saves you time and effort. You can basically automate your API tests with minimal use of groovy and yes, it does let you administrate and manage the tests and services.

2 Replies

  • jhanzeb1's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Hi Kai,


    In a nutshell, SoapUI 5.4.0v is a standalone product from SmartBear, this application supports API testing and automation, though it may require you to use groovy to be able to do what you need to do - that's why it's a free edition.


    ReadyAPI is an application as well, which consists of SoapUI PRO, SecureUI, LoadUI and ServiceV. You can choose and buy whichever tool you need to use, out of the 4.

    ReadyAPI does offer a lot more in a sense that it saves you time and effort. You can basically automate your API tests with minimal use of groovy and yes, it does let you administrate and manage the tests and services.

    • Lucian's avatar
      Community Hero



      SoapUI Open Source is quite powerfull on its own. Before choosing before Open Source and Pro you might want to analyze what your requirements are and what you are trying to achieve in your tests. 


      SoapUI Pro has some nice extra features but you might just pull it off without them.