Forum Discussion
13 years ago
Component name:
HTML Runner
Fetches a webpage (including images) and runs JavaScript.
Source code:
HTML Runner
Fetches a webpage (including images) and runs JavaScript.
Source code:
* Fetches a web page.
* @id com.eviware.HtmlRunner
* @name HTML Runner
* @category runners
* @dependency org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.1
* @dependency org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.1.1
* @dependency net.sourceforge.htmlunit:htmlunit:2.9
import org.apache.http.*
import org.apache.http.client.*
import org.apache.http.auth.*
import org.apache.http.conn.params.*
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.*
import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider
import com.eviware.loadui.impl.component.categories.RunnerBase.SampleCancelledException
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
import java.util.HashMap
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebRequestSettings
//SSL support, trust all certificates and hostnames.
class NaiveTrustManager implements X509TrustManager {
void checkClientTrusted ( X509Certificate[] cert, String authType ) throws CertificateException {}
void checkServerTrusted ( X509Certificate[] cert, String authType ) throws CertificateException {}
X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers () { null }
def sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance( 'SSL' )
TrustManager[] tms = [ new NaiveTrustManager() ]
sslContext.init( new KeyManager[0], tms, new SecureRandom() )
def sslSocketFactory = new SSLSocketFactory( sslContext )
sslSocketFactory.hostnameVerifier = SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER
def sr = new SchemeRegistry()
sr.register( new Scheme( "http", PlainSocketFactory.socketFactory, 80 ) )
sr.register( new Scheme( "https", sslSocketFactory, 443 ) )
createProperty( 'url', String ) { ->
createProperty( 'outputBody', Boolean, false )
createProperty( 'downloadResources', Boolean, true )
createProperty( 'runJavaScript', Boolean, true )
createProperty( 'errorCodeList', String )
authUsername = createProperty( '_authUsername', String )
authPassword = createProperty( '_authPassword', String )
inlineUrlAuthUsername = null
inlineUrlAuthPassword = null
credentialsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider()
def runningSamples = ( [] as Set ).asSynchronized()
runAction = null
def dummyUrl = ""
validateUrl = {
if( url.value && !( url.value.toLowerCase().startsWith( "http://" ) || url.value.toLowerCase().startsWith( "https://" ) ) ) {
url.value = "http://" + url.value
if( url.value =~ /https?:\/\/(www\.)?(eviware\.com|(soapui|loadui)\.org)(\/.*)?/ ) url.value = dummyUrl
// extract possible username and password from username:password@domain syntax
matcher = url.value?.replace( "http://", "" ) =~ /([^:]+):([^@]+)@(.+)/
if ( matcher ) {
inlineUrlAuthUsername = matcher[0][1]
inlineUrlAuthPassword = matcher[0][2]
} else {
inlineUrlAuthUsername = inlineUrlAuthPassword = null
try {
new URI( url.value )
setInvalid( !url.value || url.value == dummyUrl )
} catch( e ) {
setInvalid( true )
runAction?.enabled = !isInvalid()
updateAuth = {
def username = null
def password = null
if( inlineUrlAuthUsername && inlineUrlAuthPassword ) {
username = inlineUrlAuthUsername
password = inlineUrlAuthPassword
} else if( authUsername.value?.trim() && authPassword.value?.trim() ) {
username = authUsername.value
password = authPassword.value
if( username && password ) {
new AuthScope( AuthScope.ANY ),
new UsernamePasswordCredentials( username, password )
requestResetValue = 0
sampleResetValue = 0
discardResetValue = 0
failedResetValue = 0
acceptTypes = new HashMap<String, String>()
acceptTypes.put("html", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8")
acceptTypes.put("img", "image/png,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5")
acceptTypes.put("script", "*/*")
acceptTypes.put("style", "text/css,*/*;q=0.1")
def downloadCssAndImages( page ) {
def bytesDownloaded = 0
def xPathExpression = "//*[name() = 'img' or name() = 'link' and @type = 'text/css']"
def resultList = page.getByXPath(xPathExpression)
resultList.each {
try {
println( "next is $it" )
def path = it.getAttribute( 'src' ).equals( '' ) ? it.getAttribute( 'href' ) : it.getAttribute( 'src' )
if ( path != null && !path.equals( '' ) ) {
def url = page.getFullyQualifiedUrl(path)
def wrs = new WebRequestSettings(url)
wrs.setAdditionalHeader( 'Referer', page.webResponse.requestSettings.url.toString() )
client.addRequestHeader( 'Accept', acceptTypes[ it.tagName.toLowerCase() ] )
bytesDownloaded += client.getPage( wrs ).webResponse.contentAsString.length()
println( "downloading $wrs" )
} catch ( e ) { println "!!! $e" }
client.removeRequestHeader( 'Accept' )
return bytesDownloaded
sample = { message, sampleId ->
def uri = message['url'] ?: url.value
if( uri ) {
message['ID'] = uri
client = new WebClient()
client.setJavaScriptEnabled( runJavaScript.value )
runningSamples.add( client )
try {
//client.setCredentialsProvider( credentialsProvider )
def page = client.getPage( uri )
def bytesDownloaded = 0
if( downloadResources.value )
bytesDownloaded = downloadCssAndImages( page )
//def response = http.execute( get )
message['Status'] = true
message['URI'] = uri
def statusCode = page.webResponse.statusCode
message['HttpStatus'] = statusCode
if( errorCodeList.value ) {
def assertionCodes = errorCodeList.value.split(',')*.trim()
if( assertionCodes.contains( statusCode.toString() ) )
if( true /* response.entity != null */ ) {
message['Bytes'] = page.webResponse.contentAsString.length() + bytesDownloaded
if( outputBody.value )
message['Response'] = page.webResponse.contentAsString()
if( !runningSamples.remove( client ) ) {
throw new SampleCancelledException()
return message
} catch( e ) {
if( e instanceof SampleCancelledException )
throw e
if( e instanceof IOException )
log.warn( "IOException in {}: {}", label, e.message )
log.error( "Exception in $label:", e )
if ( !runningSamples.remove( client ) ) {
throw new SampleCancelledException()
message['Status'] = false
return message
} else {
throw new SampleCancelledException()
onCancel = {
def numberOfRunning = 0
synchronized( runningSamples ) {
def methods = runningSamples.toArray()
numberOfRunning = methods.size()
methods.each { if( !it.aborted ) it.abort() }
return numberOfRunning
onAction( 'RESET' ) {
requestResetValue = 0
sampleResetValue = 0
discardResetValue = 0
failedResetValue = 0
addEventListener( PropertyEvent ) { event ->
if ( event.event == PropertyEvent.Event.VALUE ) {
if( in [ authUsername, authPassword ] ) {
layout {
box( layout:'wrap 2, ins 0' ) {
property( property:url, label:'Web Page Address', constraints: 'w 270!, spanx 2' )
property( property:runJavaScript, label:'Enable JavaScript', constraints: 'w 110!, spanx 1' )
property( property:downloadResources, label:'Download images and CSS', constraints: 'w 150!, spanx 1' )
runAction = action( label:'Run Once', action: { triggerAction( 'SAMPLE' ) } )
action( label:'Abort Running Pages', action: { triggerAction( 'CANCEL' ) } )
box( layout:'wrap, ins 0' ){
box( widget:'display', layout:'wrap 3, align right' ) {
node( label:'Requests', content: { requestCounter.get() - requestResetValue }, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Running', content: { currentlyRunning }, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Completed', content: { sampleCounter.get() - sampleResetValue }, constraints:'w 60!' )
node( label:'Queued', content: { queueSize }, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Discarded', content: { discardCounter.get() - discardResetValue }, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Failed', content: { failureCounter.get() - failedResetValue }, constraints:'w 60!' )
action( label:'Reset', action: {
requestResetValue = requestCounter.get()
sampleResetValue = sampleCounter.get()
discardResetValue = discardCounter.get()
failedResetValue = failureCounter.get()
triggerAction( 'CANCEL' )
}, constraints:'align right' )
//Compact Layout
compactLayout {
box( widget:'display', layout:'wrap 3, align right' ) {
node( label:'Requests', content: { requestCounter.get() - requestResetValue }, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Running', content: { currentlyRunning }, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Completed', content: { sampleCounter.get() - sampleResetValue }, constraints:'w 60!' )
node( label:'Queued', content: { queueSize }, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Discarded', content: { discardCounter.get() - discardResetValue }, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Failed', content: { failureCounter.get() - failedResetValue }, constraints:'w 60!' )
settings( label: 'Basic' ) {
property( property: outputBody, label: 'Output Response Body' )
property( property: concurrentSamples, label: 'Max Concurrent Requests' )
property( property: maxQueueSize, label: 'Max Queue' )
property( property: errorCodeList, label: 'Error Codes that Count as Failures', constraints:'w 200!')
property( property: countDiscarded, label: 'Count Discarded Requests as Failed' )
settings( label: 'Authentication' ) {
property( property: authUsername, label: 'Username' )
property( property: authPassword, widget: 'password', label: 'Password' )
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