Forum Discussion
14 years agoOccasional Contributor
Component Name
Custom HTTP Runner
Daniel James, Casting Networks, Inc.
Derivative of Web Runner, Custom HTTP Runner allows you to execute an HTTP request using any method desired. (e.g., GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, any other arbitrary verb) The Custom HTTP Runner also allows you to specify a pre-encoded HTTP entity body, which is especially useful for POST or PUT requests.
Source Code
Custom HTTP Runner
Daniel James, Casting Networks, Inc.
Derivative of Web Runner, Custom HTTP Runner allows you to execute an HTTP request using any method desired. (e.g., GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, any other arbitrary verb) The Custom HTTP Runner also allows you to specify a pre-encoded HTTP entity body, which is especially useful for POST or PUT requests.
Source Code
// Custom HTTP Runner, Copyright 2011 Casting Networks, Inc.
// Derivative work of Web Runner, Copyright 2011 eviware software ab
// Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent
// versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
// You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
// You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the Licence is
// distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either
// express or implied. See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the Licence.
* Sends an HTTP request
* @id com.castingnetworksinc.CustomHTTPRunner
* @help
* @name Custom HTTP Runner
* @category runners
* @dependency org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.1
* @dependency org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.1.1
import org.apache.http.*
import org.apache.http.client.*
import org.apache.http.auth.*
import org.apache.http.conn.params.*
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.*
import org.apache.http.client.methods.*
import org.apache.http.conn.ClientConnectionManager
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager
import com.eviware.loadui.api.model.CanvasItem
import com.eviware.loadui.impl.component.categories.RunnerBase.SampleCancelledException
import com.eviware.loadui.impl.component.ActivityStrategies
import com.eviware.loadui.util.layout.DelayedFormattedString
import com.eviware.loadui.util.ReleasableUtils
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import org.apache.http.conn.scheme.Scheme
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory
import java.util.HashMap
import java.util.Map
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
// Create a custom HTTP request based off of the Apache HTTP Client base class
class HttpCustom extends HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase {
def _method
HttpCustom(method, uri) {
_method = method
String getMethod() { _method }
scheduleAtFixedRate( { updateLed() }, 500, 500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS )
createOutput( 'statisticsOutput', 'Statistics', 'Connect to a Statistics component to feed it with the displayed values.' )
//SSL support, trust all certificates and hostnames.
class NaiveTrustManager implements X509TrustManager {
void checkClientTrusted ( X509Certificate[] cert, String authType ) throws CertificateException {}
void checkServerTrusted ( X509Certificate[] cert, String authType ) throws CertificateException {}
X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers () { null }
def sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL")
TrustManager[] tms = [ new NaiveTrustManager() ]
sslContext.init( new KeyManager[0], tms, new SecureRandom() )
def sslSocketFactory = new SSLSocketFactory( sslContext )
sslSocketFactory.setHostnameVerifier( SSLSocketFactory.ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER )
def sr = new SchemeRegistry()
sr.register( new Scheme( "http", 80, PlainSocketFactory.socketFactory ) )
sr.register( new Scheme( "https", 443, sslSocketFactory ) )
def cm = new ThreadSafeClientConnManager( sr )
cm.maxTotal = 50000
cm.defaultMaxPerRoute = 50000
createProperty( 'url', String ) { ->
// Default method to GET
createProperty( 'method', String, 'GET' )
createProperty( 'entityBody', String )
createProperty( 'outputBody', Boolean, false )
createProperty( 'readResponse', Boolean, false )
createProperty( 'errorCodeList', String )
createProperty( 'proxyHost', String )
createProperty( 'proxyPort', Long )
createProperty( 'proxyUsername', String )
proxyPassword = createProperty( '_proxyPassword', String )
authUsername = createProperty( '_authUsername', String )
authPassword = createProperty( '_authPassword', String )
http = new DefaultHttpClient( cm )
inlineUrlAuthUsername = null
inlineUrlAuthPassword = null
def runningSamples = ([] as Set).asSynchronized()
runAction = null
def dummyUrl = ""
validateUrl = {
if( url.value && !( url.value.toLowerCase().startsWith( "http://" ) || url.value.toLowerCase().startsWith( "https://" ) ) ) {
url.value = "http://" + url.value
if( url.value =~ /https?:\/\/(www\.)?(eviware\.com|(soapui|loadui)\.org)(\/.*)?/ ) url.value = dummyUrl
// extract possible username and password from username:password@domain syntax
matcher = url.value?.replace( "http://", "" ) =~ /([^:]+):([^@]+)@(.+)/
if ( matcher ) {
inlineUrlAuthUsername = matcher[0][1]
inlineUrlAuthPassword = matcher[0][2]
} else {
inlineUrlAuthUsername = inlineUrlAuthPassword = null
setInvalid( !url.value || url.value == dummyUrl )
runAction?.enabled = !isInvalid()
updateLed = {
setActivityStrategy( runAction?.enabled ? ( currentlyRunning > 0 ? ActivityStrategies.BLINKING : ActivityStrategies.ON ) : ActivityStrategies.OFF )
updateProxy = {
if( proxyHost.value?.trim() && proxyPort.value ) {
HttpHost hcProxyHost = new HttpHost( proxyHost.value, (int)proxyPort.value, "http" )
http.params.setParameter( ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, hcProxyHost )
if( proxyUsername.value?.trim() && proxyPassword.value ) {
new AuthScope( proxyHost.value, (int)proxyPort.value ),
new UsernamePasswordCredentials( proxyUsername.value, proxyPassword.value )
} else {
} else {
http.params.setParameter( ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, null )
updateAuth = {
def username = null
def password = null
if( inlineUrlAuthUsername && inlineUrlAuthPassword ) {
username = inlineUrlAuthUsername
password = inlineUrlAuthPassword
} else if( authUsername.value?.trim() && authPassword.value?.trim() ) {
username = authUsername.value
password = authPassword.value
if( username && password ) {
new AuthScope( AuthScope.ANY ),
new UsernamePasswordCredentials( username, password )
requestResetValue = 0
sampleResetValue = 0
discardResetValue = 0
failedResetValue = 0
displayRequests = new DelayedFormattedString( '%d', 500, value { requestCounter.get() - requestResetValue } )
displayRunning = new DelayedFormattedString( '%d', 500, value { currentlyRunning } )
displayTotal = new DelayedFormattedString( '%d', 500, value { sampleCounter.get() - sampleResetValue } )
displayQueue = new DelayedFormattedString( '%d', 500, value { queueSize } )
displayDiscarded = new DelayedFormattedString( '%d', 500, value { discardCounter.get() - discardResetValue } )
displayFailed = new DelayedFormattedString( '%d', 500, value { failureCounter.get() - failedResetValue } )
sample = { message, sampleId ->
def uri = message['url'] ?: url.value
def method = message['method'] ?: method.value
def entityBody = message['entityBody'] ?: entityBody.value ?: ""
if( uri ) {
def httpRequest = new HttpCustom( method, uri )
httpRequest.setEntity(new StringEntity(entityBody, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "utf-8"))
message['ID'] = method + " " + uri + "?" + entityBody
runningSamples.add( httpRequest )
try {
def response = http.execute( httpRequest )
message['Status'] = true
message['URI'] = uri
message['HttpStatus'] = response.statusLine.statusCode
if( errorCodeList.value ) {
def assertionCodes = errorCodeList.value.split(',')
for( code in assertionCodes ) {
if( code.trim() == response.statusLine.statusCode.toString() ) {
if( response.entity != null ) {
int contentLength = response.entity.contentLength
message['Bytes'] = contentLength
if( outputBody.value )
message['Response'] = EntityUtils.toString( response.entity )
if( contentLength < 0 ) {
if( outputBody.value )
message['Bytes'] = message['Response'].length()
message['Bytes'] = EntityUtils.toString( response.entity ).length()
if( !runningSamples.remove( httpRequest ) ) {
throw new SampleCancelledException()
return message
} catch( e ) {
if( e instanceof SampleCancelledException )
throw e
if( e instanceof IOException )
log.warn( "IOException in {}: {}", label, e.message )
log.error( "Exception in $label:", e )
if ( !runningSamples.remove( httpRequest ) ) {
throw new SampleCancelledException()
message['Status'] = false
message['Exception'] = e.toString()
return message
} else {
throw new SampleCancelledException()
onCancel = {
def numberOfRunning = 0
synchronized( runningSamples ) {
def methods = runningSamples.toArray()
numberOfRunning = methods.size()
methods.each { if( !it.aborted ) it.abort() }
return numberOfRunning
onRelease = {
ReleasableUtils.releaseAll( displayRunning, displayTotal, displayQueue, displayDiscarded, displayFailed, displayRequests )
onAction( "RESET" ) {
requestResetValue = 0
sampleResetValue = 0
discardResetValue = 0
failedResetValue = 0
addEventListener( PropertyEvent ) { event ->
if ( event.event == PropertyEvent.Event.VALUE ) {
if( in [ proxyHost, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, authUsername, authPassword ] ) {
layout {
box( layout:'wrap 2, ins 0' ) {
property( property:method, label:'HTTP Method', constraints: 'w 300!, spanx 2')
property( property:url, label:'URL', constraints: 'w 300!, spanx 2', style: '-fx-font-size: 17pt' )
property( property:entityBody, label:'HTTP Entity Body', constraints: 'w 300!, spanx 2')
runAction = action( label:'Run Once', action: { triggerAction( 'SAMPLE' ) } )
action( label:'Abort Running Pages', action: { triggerAction( 'CANCEL' ) } )
box( layout:'wrap, ins 0' ){
box( widget:'display', layout:'wrap 3, align right' ) {
node( label:'Requests', fString:displayRequests, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Running', fString:displayRunning, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Completed', fString:displayTotal, constraints:'w 60!' )
node( label:'Queued', fString:displayQueue, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Discarded', fString:displayDiscarded, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Failed', fString:displayFailed, constraints:'w 60!' )
action( label:'Reset', action: {
requestResetValue = requestCounter.get()
sampleResetValue = sampleCounter.get()
discardResetValue = discardCounter.get()
failedResetValue = failureCounter.get()
}, constraints:'align right' )
//Compact Layout
compactLayout {
box( widget:'display', layout:'wrap 3, align right' ) {
node( label:'Requests', fString:displayRequests, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Running', fString:displayRunning, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Completed', fString:displayTotal, constraints:'w 60!' )
node( label:'Queued', fString:displayQueue, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Discarded', fString:displayDiscarded, constraints:'w 50!' )
node( label:'Failed', fString:displayFailed, constraints:'w 60!' )
settings( label: "Basic" ) {
property( property: outputBody, label: 'Output Response Body' )
//property( property: propagateSession, label: 'Propagate Session' )
property( property: readResponse, label: 'Read Response' )
property( property: concurrentSamples, label: 'Max Concurrent Requests' )
property( property: maxQueueSize, label: 'Max Queue' )
property( property: errorCodeList, label: 'Error Codes that Count as Failures', constraints:'w 200!')
property( property: countDiscarded, label: 'Count Discarded Requests as Failed' )
settings( label: "Authentication" ) {
property( property: authUsername, label: 'Username' )
property( property: authPassword, widget: 'password', label: 'Password' )
settings( label: "Proxy" ) {
property( property: proxyHost, label: 'Proxy Host' )
property( property: proxyPort, label: 'Proxy Port' )
property( property: proxyUsername, label: 'Proxy Username' )
property( property: proxyPassword, widget: 'password', label: 'Proxy Password' )
scheduleAtFixedRate( {
def message = newMessage()
Integer.with {
message["Requests"] = parseInt( displayRequests.currentValue )
message["Running"] = parseInt( displayRunning.currentValue )
message["Discarded"] = parseInt( displayDiscarded.currentValue )
message["Failed"] = parseInt( displayFailed.currentValue )
message["Queued"] = parseInt( displayQueue.currentValue )
message["Completed"] = parseInt( displayTotal.currentValue )
send( statisticsOutput, message )
}, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS )
def statisticsSignature = [
"Requests" : Integer.class,
"Running" : Integer.class,
"Discarded" : Integer.class,
"Failed" : Integer.class,
"Queued" : Integer.class,
"Completed" : Integer.class
setSignature( statisticsOutput, statisticsSignature )
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