Forum Discussion

goliontus's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Share Datasink in SoapUI NG Pro



I have a datasink in one test case that I would like various information to be written to. My datasink name and worksheet name are dynamic. 


I use the datasink in two different DataSourceLoops but when one of the dynamic parameters change to write the info to a new Worksheet, it seems to clear the file and not append. The information I see in the file after my test case has completed is always the last iteration of the loop.


 For LoadUI NG one can specify to share the datasink between threads. Would it be possible to do something similar here?


My filename will look something like this, and this is constant across the entire test case. A worksheet may be a similar name.


C:/Users/johndoe/Desktop/ActiveDayz Support/${#TestCase#ContractPrefix}${#TestCase#ContractNumber}_${GetPolicyRoles#ROLE}_Fitness_${GetAllDataForUser#DEVICE}.xlsx


So I have 3 instances of a Datasink test step, but it should write to the same file if possible


Thank you.



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