Forum Discussion

asseldonk01's avatar
7 years ago

Searching for a way to run a groovy script when closing a project



I am looking for a way to cleanup run testcase get properties only once, preferrably when closing a project. I know now how to cleanup those properties. Purpose is to be able to use Git combined with run testcases.

Does anybody has suggestions? I did look at events but I have not found an event when closing or maybe saving a project.

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    You mean to clean up custom properties of a test case on closing of the project (or saving the project)?
    Clean up means remove the values alone? or property names as well?
    • asseldonk01's avatar
      Hi rao, i as mentioned i have a groovy script to empty the values of the get properties of a run test case. I would like to be able to do this automatically. Preferably when closing the project. How can i do that automatically.
      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 2
        Sorry, did not get what you mean by - "get properties of a run test case".

        Could you please show a screen shot along with the script you have for the review?
        How many such cases there for you to be clean up?
        Where the current script placed? Is it in a common place or in a specific test case ?

        As you know there is no out-of-the-box functionality, need to understand the use case. So answering above info will help.