Forum Discussion

EMC_Support's avatar
11 years ago

[Res]Running a specific loadtest strategy from command line

Is there a way to run a specific loadtest strategy using command line, say running fixed rate strategy with a max rate of 20 req/sec, with 10 threads and 10 max threads and request level checked in UI for 1800 seconds? I don't seem to see info on it in this section Would appreciate any help. Thanks

12 Replies

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    I am not able to reproduce this issue, I tried on GUI and also on commandline, I would suggest you to try all the specifications on GUI generate the command and then use commandline to execute the test.

    I got this command generated from the testrunner,loadtestrunner.bat -s"TestSuite 1" -c"TestCase 1" -l"LoadTest 1" -fC:\test -o -R"LoadTest Report" -F PDF -EDefault C:\Users\*****\Downloads\Weather-soapui-project_customercopy2.xml

    I went to the loadTestrunner bat folder,
    C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\SoapUI-Pro-4.6.4\bin
    and then ran the command it works.

    If this does not help you please open a case on this form,

    Attach the Project XML (Right Click > Export project), from the bottom tabs, error log and soapui log from C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\SoapUI-Pro-4.6.4\bin (your installation folder)

  • I think I solved the issue with writing to PDF. The -R value was wrong, and when I fixed that it worked. Now I will try running different test scenarios creating new load tests.