Forum Discussion

VincentVonk's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

[Res] Not being able to import WSDL's in SoapUI Pro 4.6.4

Since i updated yesterday from SoapUI Pro 4.6.3 to 4.6.4 i am not able to import our WSDL's anymore.

In 4.6.3 is it still working fine.

However in 4.6.4 i get the following message for all our WSDL's:

Error loading [http://XXXXXXXX-nl-XXXXX.itc.intranet/xpress/ifx20wsdl/ing/http/ISS_STS_BIS_CustomMessageHeader_003.xsd]: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: Characters larger than 4 bytes are not supported: byte 0x92 implies a length of more than 4 bytes