Forum Discussion

kvenkat's avatar
Occasional Visitor
3 years ago

Requesting a solution to Test a situation when Kafka topic name is differing based on environment

Hi Team,

I am currently in the below situation and Requesting any suitable test solution for the below Problem Statement.

Functionality: Kafka topic name differing based on environment, I mean prefixed with environment value. Refer below example.

Example: Consider there are 2 environment ENV1, ENV2 and Topic name is prefixed with the environment value i.e., ENV1_TopicName & ENV2_TopicName.
1. On ENV1 Producer will produce message to ENV1_TopicName.
2. On ENV2 Producer will produce message to ENV2_TopicName.

Problem Statement: Based on the above Functionality & Example. I need to consume message from a specific topic based on the environment on which test executes. But in Ready API "API connection test step" can be linked to Consumer related to only one topic, Ready API documentation 
Question 1: Is there a possibility for us to handle this scenario with a single consumer "API connection test step" ?


From Ready API documentation I see the Topic/Channel is directly provided. In case of above Example. Question 2: Does it require two different channel under Kafka APIs OR Can it be done with a single Channel itself [may be by using variable] ? 


Best Regards,
Karthik Venkat

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