Forum Discussion

ADurell's avatar
New Member
11 years ago

Request Form Editor Enhancements

I bought SoapUI Pro specifically for the input form for request building because working with raw XML is a pain in the behind with very large messages. Unfortunately the input form can also be pretty tough to work with. I propose the following quality of life improvements and hope you will implement them:

1) Intelligent Tab Stops. Tabbing inside a form field will often put focus onto the accordion header of the next node. Please make tab cycle ONLY through the form fields that actually take user input.

2) Remove all default question marks (?) from new requests. I understand they are there as an indicator that data is required. I get it, and it is super annoying to have to delete these values first before filling them with actual data. At least make this an option please.

3) Keep the XML clean behind the scenes! When using the input form to create the request the XML that results is usually very badly formatted. Tags tend to run together all on the same line. Please maintain line ownership as well as appropriate indentation in the XML. Not everyone uses SoapUI Pro and when I need to send my XML to others (often) I have to first copy it into Notepad++ and use its XML plugin to pretty print it back to a decent state.

4) Maintain last scroll position in both XML and Form view for all open requests. Nothing is more irritating than being halfway down a very long form, flipping into XML view to check something, then flipping back to the form view only to find myself back at the top of the form and having to scroll back down. Also please maintain the status of each accordion control - I want to close nodes to indicate to myself that I've already completed them. When I leave a form and come back I want its state to be exactly as I left it.

5) AutoComplete for DropDownLists. Please implement AutoComplete for DDLs representing enum values.

6) When the View Type is set to Data and I click the Add button for a new child node that new node is spawned in without fields to populate. I have to change the view to All, then add the node, fill it out, and then change back to Data view. This is very annoying. Please make the Add function for new nodes in Data view add the complete node with all fields.

I hope you'll consider these enhancements. Thanks for your time.

1 Reply

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Thanks for your thoughtful suggestion! I have registered an improvement issue (SOAP-1765) on our internal issue tracking system. It's up to the SoapUI product owner now to prioritize this.

    SmartBear Sweden