Forum Discussion

angvarghese's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Ready API Error message in Header

Hi all,


I am trying to post a request in Readyapi (createmember) and getting the below error

<data contentType="null" contentLength="63"><![CDATA[ExternalUserId in AuthorizationHeader either invalid or missing]]></data>

The request is originally created in postman and imported into readyapi via project integration(postman collection). 

The reqeust which is failed in readyapi is perfectly working in postman. can anyone help me out here.





  • This is my readyapi request header 

     And below is my postman request header. well, there are hidden keys and values which i did not given in readyapi. Do you mean to give those hidden keys and values in readyapi header as well?


  • angvarghese's avatar
    4 years ago

    The issue has been solved 

    Missing Authorization name instead of Token. 


    it was given Token instead of Authorization and missing Bearer in front of actual token.




  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey angvarghese,

    Considering the content of the error response you generated it appears there is a problem with the a parameter that builds the content of your authorization header.

    What i do when i have different results in readyapi/soapui compared with postman is to execute the failing step in postman, go into postman's console and grab the full RAW requests details (so thats payload, full URL and Headers....the Headers are typically the issue when stuff works in postman but not readyapi/soapui) and keep them for later comparison.

    Then execute the test step in readyapi/soapui again grabbing the full RAW details so i can then compare what is being published by postman compared with what is being published by readyapi/soapui. Thia approach typically indicates the differences (ignoring postmans stupid default headers) and the cause of the issue.

    Try the above so you see what i mean, however id suggest you dont even need to do the above to resolve this. The issue is the userid parameter is your authentication/authorisation setup.

    You just need to fix that


  • ChrisAdams's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    In Postman, look at the headers for the request.  Many headers are auto-generated (e.g. content length) so you can ignore those.  In fact, just above the headers list, there is a button that will hide those.


    In the remaining list, there will be headers you'll need to created in SoapUI.  E.g. AuthorizationHeader

    In SoapUI, you need to add the headers from Postman.

    Below the payload element of the request, there are some tabs.  One of them is 'Header', click that and then add the headers you need.

    • angvarghese's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      This is my readyapi request header 

       And below is my postman request header. well, there are hidden keys and values which i did not given in readyapi. Do you mean to give those hidden keys and values in readyapi header as well?


      • angvarghese's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        The issue has been solved 

        Missing Authorization name instead of Token. 


        it was given Token instead of Authorization and missing Bearer in front of actual token.

