Forum Discussion

henil_shah's avatar
6 years ago

Ready API adds extra characters in query parameter

my request looks like


But when I call via Ready API it looks like ${#Project#Endpoint}/xyz?xyz=url

not when I call this, Ready API encodes and adds extra params which breaks the URL. What should I do to prevent this?

The URL becomes http%3A%2F%2Ftest.....

  • Anyways its solved now. 

    Solution: When you create a resource and assign headers/parameters, there is an option to disable encoding. Just click on that and it works.

  • Lucian's avatar
    Community Hero



    This is strange. How does the property value look? Could you please show us exactly as it appears? (you can change the host name for security purposes)


    I am guessing something is wrong on the endpoint.

    • henil_shah's avatar

      There is nothing wrong in the endpoint as its common to all the API's. Manually its working fine but by doing this Ready API, its failing. the URL changes while using Ready API

      • Lucian's avatar
        Community Hero

        I was reffering to the endpoint as the endpoint that is used in ReadyApi, not the endpoint itself. That's why I asked those info. :cathappy: