I cannot help with OS credentials.
I use Oracle Jars too for connecting to Oracle db within Ready API. I use the ojdbc6.jar file from Oracle's website. It's probably old, but it works.
I also use the Environments tab to create db connections for the right db for the 'current' environment.
I sometimes use the ODBC test step, but my preference is to connect via Groovy using the details stored in Environments.
This is a bit complicated, so one step at a time.
I use a lot of Groovy scripts that are stored outside of ReadyAPI. I do this as maintaining a script that is within dozens of different test steps is a maintenance nightmare. Instead, in my test I simple instantiate an instance of a Groovy class and call the required methods. As the actual class is stored outside of ReadyAPI, I only have to update the code in one place.
Have a look on the SmartBear site about the scripts folder....
Moving on, here is the Groovy class I use to establish a connection to a db configured in Environments. Mine is called jdbcConnections.groovy
package groovyScripts.yourOrgNamespace
import groovy.sql.Sql
class jdbcConnections
// Empty constructor. Unused.
def getJdbcConnection(conDetails, log)
// This method uses the passed conDetails to tease out the conn string.
def connString = conDetails.getConnectionString();
def userName;
def password;
def url;
if (connString.contains('PASS_VALUE')){
url = 'jdbc:oracle:thin:' + connString.substring(connString.indexOf('@'),connString.size());
userName = connString.replace('jdbc:oracle:thin:', '');
userName = userName.substring(0,userName.indexOf('/'));
password = conDetails.getPassword();
} else {
url = 'jdbc:oracle:thin:' + connString.substring(connString.indexOf('@'),connString.size());
userName = connString.replace('jdbc:oracle:thin:', '');
userName = userName.substring(0,userName.indexOf('/'));
password = connString.substring(connString.indexOf('/') + 1,connString.indexOf('@'));
log.info(' Connecting to database ' + conDetails.getName() + '. Using account ' + userName + '. Using Password ' + password + ' at URL ' + url );
return Sql.newInstance(url, userName, password, conDetails.getDriver());
Below is a basic example of usage....
// This line get the connection details for the named db that is in the 'current' environment.
def dbConnDetails = messageExchange.modelItem.testStep.testCase.testSuite.project.activeEnvironment.databaseConnectionContainer.getResourceByName("NAME_OF_DB_IN_ENVIRONMENTS");
// Instantiate an object of our class.
def dbJdbcObj = new groovyScripts.yourOrgNamespace.jdbcConnections();
// Using the conn details we obtained above, we pass it in to our get connection method.
// The log is the ReadyAPI log which is accessible from any Groovy script within ReadyAPI.
// I always pass this in so I can make logging calls even in scripts outside of Ready API.
dbConn = dbJdbcObj .getJdbcConnection(dbConnDetails , log);
// Let's query our db...
sqlString = "select * from customer_table where id = 1";
sqlRecord = dbConn.rows(sqlString);
surname = sqlRecord[0]["SURNAME"]; // The bit in quotes is the column of interest.
forename = sqlRecord[0]["FORENAME"];
// Never forget to clean up....
log.info("Closing database connections");