Forum Discussion

sandy55432's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

On launching TestRunner in SOAP UI Pro, the previous testdata is getting executed.

Launched test runner at Testcase level but it is executing for old set of testdata always, My testdata sheet is updated with new data but it executes for old values.


Please let me know , if you have come across such issue.


  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hi sandy55432,

    That's weird, cos readyapi!/soapui doesn't cache data...only .wsdls and properties according to the help.

    You say running via testrunner is picking up the old testdata not the new datasheet. What happens when you execute without testrunner?

    • sandy55432's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Without testrunner, it does take the new testdata and executes it. When launching as Testrunner not sure from were it is fetching the values[old test data].

      • richie's avatar
        Community Hero
        Hi sandy55432,

        I want to try and reproduce this.

        Can you confirm the version you're running and the form you testdata takes....i.e. are you using a datasource file? or directory? type etc.

